Monday, September 11, 2017

It's been an exciting few days around here. I am doing fine now, but it's been rough. I am doing some research on TGA (Transient Global Amnesia) to understand why it happened to me. My research says "5.2 cases per 100,000 population. However, among individuals older than 50 years, the incidence was 23.5 cases per 100,000 population per year.

Weird, huh? No one in the family has had this, that I know of.... how did I rate? More of my research:

No sex predilection has been observed. However, one study found that particular triggers may be associated with men and women. For men, transient global amnesia occurs more often after a physical precipitating event. In women, episodes may be more associated with emotional precipitating events, a history of anxiety, or pathological personality.

So, that day was a day like any other. My roommate came home and we chatted about my new idea to paint the entire house. Omigod, what a job that would be! This place is HUGE! Frankly, I would rather sell it than paint it. Ha! What's new? Anyway, I don't remember that conversation or anything I did that night. Before I "woke up" to myself again, I had also texted Laine saying that I had just had the best night's sleep! Note that that was before I actually came out of the TGA.... I wonder what was different about that night's sleep? 

Okay. The TGA happened on Wednesday and Thursday. I spent the entire day in the hospital (again) on Thursday. For some reason, I can't remember Thursday night or Friday all day. I was home, no vehicle, so what COULD I have done? The house is no cleaner. The dishes were as always. Nothing special was cooked and waiting for me in the refrigerator. Hmmm. Oh! I was definitely depressed. Posted on FB way too much information. Got some wonderful love from Cindy and David. Love those guys.

Saturday was different. I got up and Laine and I hit the road. It was great! We went as far north as Anderson for the Renaissance Faire. A lot of fun, good loving people all around. Then we went to Corning and checked out The Olive Pit. Omigosh, good stuff! And we also drove in and out of several state park areas. It made me wish I had a trailer so that I could go camping!! Maybe one day soon.

Yesterday, I just couldn't do a thing. Don't know why. I ate ravenously all day. I tried drinking but it wasn't feeding whatever was hungry in me. And I watched a silly series about a silly woman who had to grow up in order to stay in Heaven. Sheesh. It would appear that at least some of my health issues are related to my tendency for depression. I am already on 150 mg of Effexor. I can't imagine going off of it without a medical/psych person monitoring me. But maybe I need to do that? In the past, my drugs worked for awhile and then I had to move to something else. I have been on this one for the longest -- probably 10 years? Maybe longer? Maybe it's time for a change?

Enough for today. Nothing brilliant. Nothing sad. I call that progress!!

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